Solaris Infrequently Asked and Obscure Questions
Composed by Argoth (2010.02.11)

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Listed below are people and resources who have contributed in some fashion to the "Infrequently Asked and Obscure Questions".

Cockroft, A., Sun Performance and Tuning - Java and the Internet, 2nd Edition, Sun Microsystems Press/Prentice Hall, 1998.
Drake, C., Brown, K., Panic! - Unix System Crash Dump Analysis, SunSoft Press/Prentice Hall, 1995.
McDougall, R., Solaris Internals, Sun Microsystems Press/Prentice Hall, 2001.
Vahalia, U., Unix Internals - The New Frontiers, Prentice Hall, 1996.

Handles - EFnet #solaris
absentia (scott d. yelich) arp jobe
masters (clint masters) rfc-768 sporkness
truss torment (scott edlund) unixos

philip anderson dan d'andrea sam grey
josh grubman sean o'neill rachel polanskis
glenn satchell stacey sheldon kurt strassner
jeff tarnok andrew wilson  

gary sims (TRC) jeff tarnok (TRC) paul martin (BOEING)